I feel like I am changing. Change is inevitable, they say and so I am not consciously trying to subvert this change, but I guess this post is some sort of attempt to understand the change and the reason/s for it. Why do people change? And do people actually change or is it just the situations/other people/stimuli around them that change? Do people change or do their attitudes and perceptions change? If I am not the same Pallavi I was, say five months ago; If I am not even the same Pallavi I was five seconds ago, then which Pallavi am I? Who/which is the real Pallavi, if she exists at all? Is the person constant or are changes in the person constant? If it is change, how is it constant? If it is constant, why do we call it change? Change is the only constant they say. If I am changing, and you are changing, then we are both changing. Then the you who is reading this post now, is a different you from the you who read some other posts on this blog in the past. Then we must constantly reacquaint ourselves with all the selves that we are. For all the selves that we were, and perhaps are no more, are also us, aren't they?