Deep thinking
A friend of mine visited this blog recently and told me how he had no idea that I thought so deeply. He sounded really surprised. While I am always genuinely flattered when people acknowledge the fact that I think, I have an ambivalent take on their surprise at this discovery. Just yesterday, my brother asked me if I was so shallow that I would be happy in life if I had money. Now, if you knew my brother, you'd know that this was a trick question; one which has no correct answer. If you answer yes, you're condemned to shallowness anyway, but if you say no or any other such thing, you're just being defensive...but anyway, the point is, is money not important? i honestly believe that once the money part of your life is well taken care of, the other parts become easier to bear as well as sweeter.what's shallow about that? i think it's practical. but all this is beside the point. What I'm getting at is that it's people who are closest to you who sometimes know the least about you. I am sure if I were to make a list of all my characteristics, which I think are true to me, and put them up somewhere, my family would not recognize or even believe most of them. is this true for you too?
Labels: family